Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Made Out of Money

This painting I did based off of a Van Gogh painting. A technique I used for it was to glue Monopoly money to the canvas to block out the colors I'd be using. You can still see a few 20's and the shape of many of the bills.

The Bolt

This is a painting I did in highschool. Definitely one of my best paintings! I'd originally done an oil painting of a barn on the same canvas, which you can still see evidence of near the top, but decided it was u-g-l-y! This painting is taken from a detail of Fragonard's The Bolt. I absolutely love Fragonard, mainly for his habit of including a "steamy" under- or overtone in his works!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What's Going On Here???

Hey Blogger! Why are you saying that my blog doesn't exist? And why can I still find links to it that work?????????? You big bully!
Hey Everybody! Thanks for viewing my blog. If you like what I've done, please feel free to follow my blog to see my most recent posts!
